Spicy Mari
Sep 12, 2019
5 Spicy Exercises To Improve Your Dating Confidence
When it comes to dating, confidence is the sexiest quality a person can possess. A confident attitude makes a person drop their guard,...

Miku Khezri
Dec 26, 2017
Love Yourself
“What does he/she have that I don’t?”—a question we ask ourselves far too often. We live in a world saturated with visuals that mirror...

CEO - Spicy Mari
Oct 11, 2017
Put Love Back On Your To-Do List
Love doesn't need to take a back seat to your career goals. If you are one of the few Americans left still in pursuit of the union of...
CEO - Spicy Mari
Oct 3, 2017
Dating is Like a Job Hunt
Looking for a job is a full-time job. Unfortunately, the dating process is it's evil twin. You lost something that once had an extremely...

Spicy Mari
Sep 18, 2017
Why Nice Guys Finish Last
Why women are attracted to the 'bad boy". Do nice guys really finish last?

Spicy Mari
Aug 17, 2017
Horoscope Blind Dates With BuzzFeed
The Spicy Life and BuzzFeed recently partnered with Professional Astrologer, Astro Fashionista, to match singles on blind dates based on...