Four Steps To Unhating Valentine's Day
Every year consumers participate in celebrating the first real spending holiday of the year, Valentine’s Day!
A surprising 20.7 billion dollars are projected to be spent this year alone. With the astronomical amount of money spent around Valentine’s day, it’s understandable why a large group of misfits would opt out of this holiday of love. I can agree with everyone who feels this way, in fact, with V-Day being so close to New Year’s and resolutions of better spending habits, being forced to show someone just how special they are by applying a literal price-tag to it can be a major deterrent. In a survey aimed at discovering why Americans are dodging cupid's arrow, Katherine Cullen, Director of Industry and Consumer Insights provides clarity on behalf of the National Retail Foundation. She explained that the “Three overwhelming reasons Valentine’s day is being avoided, is that there’s a feeling amongst consumers that Valentine’s Day is over-commercialized. People also tend not to participate if they do not have a significant other, and lastly, they just weren’t interested anymore.”
Although trends show fewer people celebrating, oddly enough, more money is actually being spent for the occasion. If we can convince Americans to believe that Valentine’s Day is actually affordable, interesting, and cost-effective, we may help get more people back into the spirit of celebrating relationships.
These genius tips for the mediocre participant will soften your heart and revive your social calendar.
Save Money This Year.
A simple enough concept, but a sometimes tricky feasible goal. Buying an expensive gift doesn’t have to be our first option anymore, not according to a survey study held by the NRF. USA Today reported that 42% of all people surveyed said they actually preferred an experience-based gift over a physical one. Here’s the kicker, only 24% of all people surveyed plan on actually delivering one. What this means is that there is already a desire to push beyond the over-commercialized stigma of Valentine’s Day, the opportunity already exists! Instead of going out and buying dinner and breaking out the new jewelry for your significant other, show them something they can never unsee. Or, give to them the single most precious gem any of us could ever offer, our time!
Nothing saves your pockets like staying in. Reinvent the dinner date by cooking at home. If Patrick Swayze taught us anything (other than dirty dancing in the rain is hot as hell) it's that using your hands on a date is good for more than just sex. You and your better half can get romantic by hand-making pasta at home and pairing it with a moderately priced wine. Candles, rose petals, and mood music should be all the other help you need to have one of your most memorable Valentine's ever. That and great sex.
The Early Stages Of Dating
When we’re in the early dating stages, or not quite sure if the booty call has gotten a tad bit more serious, planning for Valentine’s Day gets a bit tricky. If you’re planning to
not plan anything you’re also putting yourself into precarious territory. V-Day is fun and I fully endorse participating for lovers and friends with benefits alike. So here’s a tip on what to do if you’re newly dating or not doing much dating outside the bedroom, and you won’t even have to break your pockets.
It can cause unwanted friction to not invite your new fling out, and on the other side of the spectrum, it may make things seem a bit too serious if the relationship is more casual. Remember that communication is always the key. Be direct, but not off-putting. Ask him/her how they feel about enjoying the day or night together and also clearly express your personal thoughts on the matter. Small gestures are never too small while also never being too big to cause intimidation. Flowers are good for every day, so I would definitely get a woman her favorites no matter what you guys decide. For women, a guy can always enjoy a new whiskey or whatever his fancy may be. Worst case scenario, candles, a Redbox flick, and hard alcohol make a perfect blend of, "I really like and respect you, but I'm also here to blow your back out.”
Bestie Bonding
We are hitting a golden age of self-love and friend appreciation. Now is the time to redirect “single’s night” back towards expressing the love we have for the significant people in our lives, which isn’t limited to an intimate lover. I want you to think about your birthday and who you would spend it with. Now, cut that list down in half, and then into another half. Who’s left? That’s who you love the most and you can use February 14th to let them know. I tell one of my best friends for every one of his birthdays, father’s day, and Valentine’s day that I love him and will always be in his corner even beyond my last dying breath. There is power in expressing how we feel to the people who we care most about because chances are they feel the same way about us, and the exchanged expression only reinforces the bond. Here’s an idea on how to celebrate the day if you and your bestie are both single.
Don’t Hate. Appreciate
I don't think being single is any reason to hate Valentine’s Day. It's a day for expressing our love which isn’t contained to just couples. Go out and watch an old movie, depending on where you live there should be a $3 Theater around. Make sure to go to an early showing, like a 6 pm show of 'A Star Is Born’, or choose a romantic comedy that you both love. You'll get out around 8 pm which is a perfect set up for grabbing drinks after. You'll be loose and maybe even a little frisky, so if you don't meet any closet freaks at the bar, Valentine's is the one day when it's actually okay to go home and love on yourself.
I hope this article was able to help give more creative ideas around taking back Valentine’s Day from the commercialized version it has turned into. Moving forward beyond Valentine’s Day, remember to keep the spice alive by continuing to practice reinventing your dating adventures and thinking more unconventionally. People who may not be in serious relationships should also feel more comfortable partaking in the Valentine’s, even if it’s just with a great friend. These are just a few spicy tips that will help turn any mediocre plans, into a thing of genius.

Mediocre Genius is a Reinvention Specialist, Philanthropist, and Dating Blogger for The Spicy Life Inc. He teaches the guy next door how to embrace their best self by building self-confidence, addressing all fashion concerns, and laying out the steps to conquering his dream girl. For more mediocre genius tips read his other article "Improve Your Dating Skills” or follow him on IG @mediocregenius